Nizel Adams
Founder/CEO & Editor
Award winning tech guru, entrepreneur, pro gamer, marketer, artist & writer. What can't this guy do?!?! Oversees every aspect of Nizel Co. and loves it! With 20 years of experience managing IT infrastructure for billion dollar enterprises, over 100 IT certifications & featured reviews with tens of millions of views on Yelp, Google, etc. Nizel is a force to be reckoned with. He started out designing websites and fixing electronics when he was only 8 before going on to become recognized as one of the brightest people in Illinois, winning the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award for his achievements in Math & Science as well as becoming a fixture in the IT industry. He also works with CompTIA, setting industry standards by using his wealth of knowledge in-order to help design the certification exams. He's been featured on CNN, HuffPost, Computer World, TechRound, ValiantCEO, Fox News, Slate, Maker's Aid, etc. & is a regular source for journalists throughout the world.
Specialties: Computer software & hardware, deployment systems, VOIP systems, video conference systems, web development
Fun Facts: Ask him about his DIY computer that is worth more than some people's cars! Collects Movie & Event Tickets. Loves anime, basketball & football!
Other Skills: Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Woodworking, Graphics Design, Painting, Video Editing, Television Production, Audio Engineering