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Nizel Corporation
media Coverage

Techopedia Logo

Inside Jack Teixeira’s Pentagon Leak & Looming DoD Deadline: Expert Analysis


Ray Fernandez

Aug 16, 2024

Mysterious door with red matrix code

The Jack Teixeira leaked classified documents scandal saw highly classified documents about the Russia-Ukraine war, leaked along with many other national security secrets, catching the Pentagon unawares.

Following the leaks, the Pentagon has instructed the deployment of mandatory security measures for all government and federal facilities managing classified or sensitive information.

And the deadline to implement the new measures is rapidly approaching — set for September 30, 2024.

How did Teixeira manage to get his hands on classified materials? Will agencies and federal contractors meet the Pentagon deadline? What are the new security measures that must be deployed and why?

In this report, Techopedia talks to experts to answer these and other questions.

Jotform Logo

How are contracts usually signed?


Jotform Editorial Team (Brandon)

Aug 7, 2024

White woman signing a contract

Real estate, manufacturing, accounting, veterinary services — whatever industry you operate in, you deal with contracts as you onboard new customers and partner with vendors. But how are these contracts usually signed? We walk through a few different methods below.

Linternaute Logo

Est-il vraiment utile de cacher la webcam de son ordinateur ? Ces experts cassent le mythe


Julian Madiot

Jul 24, 2024

White man taping over webcam

Si vous disposez d'une webcam, il y a fort à parier que vous ayez déjà envisagé de la couvrir lorsque vous ne vous en servez pas. Un tel appareil capable de nous visionner ou même de nous filmer peut susciter quelques craintes bien fondées. Qui n'a jamais vu, dans un film ou une série, un passage où une webcam est utilisée par des hackers ou personnes malintentionnées pour filmer d'autres personnes à leur insu ?

Bankrate Logo

Smart hub vs bridge vs gateway: a guide to smart home devices


Erik J. Martin

Sep 8, 2023

Bearded black man with smart phone on white couch smiling at Amazon Echo Dot

Creating a smart home might seem like a smart idea. But if you’re unsure about how to make all your devices work together, it can make you feel…dumb.

If you’re exploring the world of connected homes or considering buying smart devices, you’ve likely encountered the terms smart hub, gateway and bridge. These hardware pieces sound similar and are sometimes used interchangeably, yet they serve distinct purposes. Some may aid in establishing your smart home, while others could be superfluous for your setup. So, which one suits you best?

Es De Latino Logo

Más allá del visto bueno de las redes sociales


Oliver Roberts

Sep 7, 2023

Facebook headquarters mural

Depender únicamente de los «me gusta» y las métricas de vanidad es un enfoque limitado para la estrategia de redes sociales de las marcas. Los Me gusta no equivalen a ventas: un recuento alto de «Me gusta» tiene poca correlación con que los consumidores realmente compren productos o se conviertan en clientes. Además, los Me gusta miden, en el mejor de los casos, la participación pasiva. Las métricas más activas, como acciones, comentarios y clics en el sitio, indican un mayor nivel de compromiso e implicación. Las marcas inteligentes adoptan un enfoque multimétrico para comprender a los usuarios, perfeccionar la estrategia y determinar qué actividades de las redes sociales realmente generan impacto comercial. Este artículo examinará la relevancia de los me gusta en las redes sociales y las ventajas de otras métricas de las redes sociales.

CMSWire Logo

Why Metrics Beyond 'Likes' Matter in Social Media Strategy


Scott Clark

Sep 7, 2023

Facebook headquarters like button mural

Relying solely on "likes" and vanity metrics is a limited approach for brands' social media strategy. Likes don't equate to sales —a high "like" count has little correlation to consumers actually purchasing products or converting to customers. Additionally, likes measure passive engagement at best. More active metrics like shares, comments, and click-throughs to the site indicate a higher engagement and involvement level. Wise brands take a multi-metric approach to understand users, refine strategy, and determine what social media activities truly drive business impact. This article will examine the relevance of social media likes and the advantages of other social media metrics.

Lifewire Tech logo

Apple Is Backing a New Right to Repair Act—Here's Why


Sascha Brodsky

Aug 28, 2023

Repairing a laptop

Tech giants are backing the idea of fixing your own gadgets.

Apple is encouraging California legislators to approve a "right to repair bill," mandating manufacturers let users repair their malfunctioning devices. It's part of a growing nationwide movement intended to reduce electronic waste and reduce costs for consumers.

Medium Logo

Can AI-generated content be Copyrighted?


Stefan Pircalabu

Aug 25, 2023

Copyright claim paper being output on typewriter

In the realm of modern creativity, a significant transformation is being wrought by the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI’s capacity to generate diverse forms of content such as text, images, and music has brought forth remarkable opportunities. However, this innovation also presents a complex challenge to the domain of copyright law. As AI-generated content becomes increasingly prevalent, a fundamental question arises: Who possesses the rights to content produced by AI?

TechTarget Logo

Is AI-generated content copyrighted?


George Lawton

Aug 10, 2023

Finger touching screen with AI logos

George Lawton
George Lawton
Published: 10 Aug 2023
Various generative AI tools can create text, images, songs, videos and other content, and regulators, courts and vendors are coming to terms with what this technology means for copyright law.

Association for Computing Machinery Logo

Giving Users More than They Can Handle


David Geer

Aug 3, 2023

Microsoft ChatGPT Integration

In February 2023, Microsoft customers began complaining in a Microsoft Answers forum thread that new artificial intelligence (AI) files showing up in Microsoft Windows were slowing or crashing their computers ,and making some tasks difficult to impossible.

SheFinds Logo

The One Charging Mistake That’s Draining Your Battery, According To A Cell Phone Expert


Lisa Cupido

Jul 22, 2023

SheFinds iPhone app home screen

Charging your iPhone may be one of those habits you do without thinking much about it. It seems simplistic enough, and some of us may even rely on our charging docks as convenient places to store our phones whenever we aren’t using them. But according to Global IT Leader Nizel Adams, CEO/Principal Engineer at Nizel Corporation, these are plenty of charging mistakes we’re unknowingly making that are draining our iPhone batteries.

Rasmussen University Logo

Help Desk Technician: The First Step on Your IT Career Path


Will Erstad

Jun 6, 2023

Bearded Help Desk Technician with headset. Rasmussen University logo in corner.

Wouldn’t it be great to base your career path on the computers, gadgets and technologies that already hold your interest? Instead of the daily clock-in, clock-out routine at a job that just pays the bills, you could actually find work you’re truly passionate about—and that’s one of the big potential benefits of working in information technology (IT).

Future Zone Logo

Cover laptop camera? Experts warn against popular method


Dana Neumann

Apr 3, 2023

Man scratching head while holding laptop

Anyone who only feels comfortable when the inquisitive lens on the computer is covered should still think about it. It can cause unexpected problems.

NLC Logo

Do you really need to cover your laptop camera?



Mar 23, 2023

Woman with white nails covering webcam with tape

It is not enough to simply turn it off, is it also recommended to physically cover the machine's camera?

ADSLZone Logo

Hemos vivido engañados: tapar la cámara del portátil no es la solución milagrosa


David Soriano

Mar 9, 2023

Laptop with yellow electrical tape covering webcam

Sobre todo desde 2016, cuando el fundador de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, publicó una imagen en la que aparecía usando una pegatina en la cámara de su portátil, se ha creado conciencia sobre la importancia de taparla para evitar ataques a distancia que pongan en peligro nuestra privacidad.

Más allá de la paranoia que hay detrás del hecho de que las cámaras que llevan integradas los portátiles van a ser una ventana para que cualquier ciberespía acabe teniendo un contacto directo con nosotros.

ValiantCEO Logo

Nizel Adams, CEO of Nizel Corporation, on Leading the Way in High-Tech Construction and IT Innovation


Jed Morley

Mar 1, 2023

Nizel Corporation CEO Nizel Adams

Introducing Nizel Adams, the CEO of Nizel Corporation, an IT firm based in Chicago, and a global leader in the industry.

Nizel is a child prodigy who was recognized as one of the smartest people in Illinois and the US. His intrigue with computers from an early age eventually led to his successful IT career.

At Nizel Corporation, they offer everything under the sun when it comes to IT, including selling hardware, software, and high-tech construction, bringing futuristic, cutting-edge tech innovation to buildings around the world.

Only In Your State Logo

The Best Breakfast In Illinois Is Served At This Iconic Hole-In-The-Wall Restaurant


Linze Rice

Feb 28, 2023

Blackberry Blintzes photo by Nizel Adams of Nizel Corporation

Located in an unassuming commercial stretch is Alexander's Pancake House and Restaurant, 6725 Pershing Road. Instantly, it gives off the cozy diner vibe that breakfast lovers appreciate.

ValiantCEO Logo

Conquering the Top 5 Most Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs


Jerome Knyszewski

Feb 21, 2023

People working at a table with laptops

Starting and running a successful business is no easy feat. Entrepreneurs face numerous challenges along the way, and it takes a combination of determination, hard work, and a bit of luck to overcome them. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 most common challenges entrepreneurs face and offer practical tips and advice on overcoming them. Featuring Nizel Adams of Nizel Corporation.

Room Logo

7 Ways to Crush Year-End Stress


Jennifer Alsever

Dec 13, 2022

Balloon on street with yellow smiley face

Nizel Adams & others talk with Jennifer Alsever from ROOM about the holidays and the end of the year as a joyful time of giving and gratitude. But we’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t also say it’s a time of stress. Business leaders and their teams…

HuffPost Spain Logo

Esto es lo que opinan los expertos sobre tapar la cámara del ordenador


Monica Torres

Dec 12, 2022

woman using laptop with camera spying on her

"Si hay una brecha de seguridad, ésta no desaparece cubriendo la cámara con una pegatina".

Poll Everywhere Logo

7 reflection ideas to improve employee participation


Tanaaz Khan

Dec 1, 2022

messaging icons

Nizel Adams talks with Tanaaz Khan of Poll Everywhere on how reflections can help employees understand their own behavior and identify ways to improve performance. Read more to find out how you can achieve that.

HuffPost Logo

Do You Cover Up Your Laptop Camera Lens – And Is It Really Needed?


Monica Torres

Nov 24, 2022

Black girl on laptop

If you are paranoid about people seeing things they should not while you’re working, you may be wondering if you need a physical camera cover over your computer lens.

Several high-profile public figures have been known to use webcam covers, which are typically plastic sliders or a piece of tape that go over a lens. Former FBI Director James Comey told NPR he has done it. In a 2016 photo posted to his Facebook account, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared to be using a sticker on his laptop camera. Should you do the same?

Here’s what experts think about how useful a webcam cover really is.

Living Crunch Logo

Do We Need To Cover Laptop Camera Lens For Privacy?


Katie Wells

Nov 17, 2022

Laptop with green masking tape on webcam and eyes on green blue gradient background

If you are paranoid about people seeing what you are doing, you might consider covering your computer lens. High-profile public figures often use plastic sliders or tapes to cover their webcams. Is it a good idea? How valuable is a webcam cover? Experts weigh in.

Maker's Aid Logo

Are Stickers on a Laptop Unprofessional?


Craig Britton

Nov 7, 2022

Child with glasses using laptop that has stickers

Craig Britton of Maker's Aid discusses with Nizel Adams of Nizel Corp whether or not stickers on laptops are unprofessional

Liste List Logo

Biri Bizi Gözetliyor Mu? Güvenliğimiz İçin Bilgisayar Kamerasını Gerçekten Kapatmalı Mıyız?


Merve Melis Saçı

Nov 6, 2022

Mark Zuckerberg holding sign with tape on laptop webcam in background

Bilgisayarınızı kullanırken bazen kameradan izlenebileceğinizi düşünüyor musunuz? Cevabınız evet ise yazımızı okumaya devam edin.

Penzcentrum Logo

Így figyelhet meg bárkit a saját laptopjának webkamerája: kiderült az évtizedes titok



Nov 5, 2022

Woman with earbuds in using laptop at home

Egyre többen takarják le webkamerájukat, mert attól félnek, hogy illetéktelenek megfigyelik őket. Valós ez a félelem? A szakértők szerint nem, a takarással maximum a lencsét védjük a portól. De azért vannak olyan óvintézkedések, amelyeket érdemes megtenni.

Ha paranoiás vagy, hogy a laptopod webkameráján keresztül megfigyelnek, vélhetően már letakartad valamivel. James Comey volt FBI-igazgató korábban elmondta, hogy ő is így tett, és egy 2016-os fotón a Meta vezérigazgatója, Mark Zuckerberg úgy tűnt, hogy matricával takarta le a laptopja kameráját. De vajon tényleg valós a félelem?

CNN Indonesia Logo

5 Weird Documents Stored by Workers on Office Laptops, There Are Love Letters


CNN Indonesia

Oct 28, 2022

Female office worker using laptop

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --Laptops are one of the office inventories that are often loaned to employees. When the employee concerned resigns, the laptop must of course be returned.

The funny thing is, when the laptop was returned, the IT staff at the office actually found strange things that employees had left in their devices. What are usually found?

Yahoo! News Logo

Do We Really Need To Cover Up Our Laptop Camera Lens For Privacy? (Source: HuffPost)


Monica Torres

Oct 20, 2022

woman using laptop on salmon colored background with camera watching her

Some experts see webcam covers as a final safeguard, while others don't see them as useful at all. (Photo: sorbetto via Getty Images)

If you are paranoid about people seeing things they should not while you’re working, you may be wondering if you need a physical camera cover over your computer lens.

Several high-profile public figures have been known to use webcam covers, which are typically plastic sliders or a piece of tape that go over a lens. Former FBI Director James Comey told NPR he has done it. In a 2016 photo posted to his Facebook account, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared to be using a sticker on his laptop camera. Should you do the same?

HuffPost Logo

Do We Really Need To Cover Up Our Laptop Camera Lens For Privacy?


Monica Torres

Oct 20, 2022

woman using laptop with camera spying on her

If you are paranoid about people seeing things they should not while you’re working, you may be wondering if you need a physical camera cover over your computer lens.

Several high-profile public figures have been known to use webcam covers, which are typically plastic sliders or a piece of tape that go over a lens. Former FBI Director James Comey told NPR he has done it. In a 2016 photo posted to his Facebook account, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared to be using a sticker on his laptop camera. Should you do the same?

Here’s what experts think about how useful a webcam cover really is.

24/7 Wall St. Logo

Best Bakery in Every State


Jordan Litchfield

Aug 26, 2022

Illinois Weber's Bakery Nizel Adams Photo

In France, the distinction is made between a bread bakery (boulangerie) and a pastry shop (pâtisserie), and a similar dichotomy holds true in other places. In America, however, we tend to meld the two together with Yankee practicality, and our bakeries usually sell a wide range of flour-based (and/or gluten-free) baked goods, including breads, rolls, pastries, cakes and pies, and doughnuts, among other items. And if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that every town needs a good bakery.

Computer World Logo

Robocallers are now targeting businesses. Is there any way to keep them out?


Paul Gillin

Aug 19, 2022

Computer World logo

Businesses don’t have the luxury of ignoring calls from unknown sources. But there are measures they can take to limit the risk.

HuffPost Logo

The Weirdest Things IT Workers Have Found On Company Laptops


Geoff Williams

Jul 14, 2022

Blue Laptop on magenta background

Nizel Adams speaks with the Huffington Post's Geoff Williams about some of the weirdest things he's found on company laptops

CEO Blog Nation Logo

30 Entrepreneurs Explain The Essential Skills One Needs To Be a CEO


Gresham Harkness

May 27, 2022

Golf ball on green

Article by Gresham Harkness of CEO Blog Nation discussing the skills needed to become a CEO featuring Nizel Adams

TechRound Logo

Why Is the Metaverse So Important?


Josephine Melvin

May 18, 2022

Contributors to TechRound article on Metaverse

Metaverse has become a huge topic of discussion in recent months, with many offering up their interpretation of what it could look like, while businesses everywhere push to develop technology to support our immersion within it.

However, while such a hot topic, the Metaverse is still actually yet to exist – so why is it so important? And once a reality, how could it impact our future? Here, we explore top comments and predictions on exactly that…

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